The Lincoln County Council on Aging (LCCA) provides seniors with resources that assist them with various
aging-related concerns and coordinates services and activities for our senior community members.
Additionally, the LCCA helps distribute information concerning Medicare supplements and Medicare Part D programs.
Lincoln County Council on Aging meeting meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m.
A SHICK (Senior Health Insurance Counselor of Kansas) Counselor is available daily to assist seniors with any and all aging-related concerns and issues.
Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
-Our Mission-
- The Lincoln County Council on Aging (LCCA) is founded on dedication and service to our senior community. The LCCA supports our older adult population through in-home and community-based resources and services. The LCCA continually strives to enrich the lives of our seniors while maximizing their independence within the county.
- The LCCA encourages developing public awareness regarding elder issues, by facilitating the cooperation and collaboration between existing organizations, which function to serve the older adult population within Lincoln County. Services will be delivered timely, and efficiently, with recognition of the important roles played by all participating community members.
- In all endeavors to assist individuals, the client’s right to participate in the planning, to freely choose among alternatives, and to even reject assistance will be recognized and respected.
“You don’t stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing.”-George Bernard Shaw-