National Preparedness Month
"Take Control 1,2,3"
1) Assess your needs
2) Make a plan
3) Engage your support network to stay safe when a disaster strikes
- Assess your needs. If you have medications that need refrigeration, rely on mobility or assistive devices or have a pet you'll need to understand how these variables will factor into what you'll need to stay safe in a disaster or emergency.
- Make a plan. Once you assess your needs, you can tailor your plans to make sure your needs are met. This can include building a kit that includes extra medication, having a way to store medications in an emergency and planning for your pets or service animals. If you're an older adult or work with and support older adult communities visit and for resources.
- Engage your support network. Reaching out to family, friends and neighbors can help you build a support network that can support you before, during and after a disaster or emergency. Share each aspect of your emergency plan with everyone in your group, including a friend or relative in another area who would not be impacted by the same emergency who can helpin necessary. Make sure everyone knows how you plan to evacuate your home or workplace and where you will go in case of a disaster. Make sure that someone in your personal support network has an extra key to your home and knows where you keep your emergency supplies. Practice your plan with those who have agreed to be part of your personal support network.
With the attacks on our country in 2001, as well as the continued threats against the United States, it has become necessary for the nation to prepare for a bioterrorist attack. This preparation is being done at the state as well as the local level. The Lincoln County Health Department has been preparing the Public Health portion of the Public Health Emergency Response and Preparedness Plan for our county.
One of the aspects of this plan is the preparation for a mass vaccination or prophylactic dispersal clinic if deemed necessary. For each resident to be successfully vaccinated or evaluated within the short time frame, planning is critical. This need could occur for a variety of biological agents, including newly emerging diseases. The chance of an attack in our county is slim; however, the possibility of an infectious disease outbreak is possible. We must be prepared.
What is a Point of Dispensing Clinic (POD)?
In the event of an incident that would require mass dispensing of emergency antibiotics, a pre-designated site called a Point of Dispensing Clinic (POD) would be set up to quickly distribute medications, vaccinations and information. The POD will be located at the Lincoln Grade School, 302 S. 4th St. in Lincoln, Ks. Lincoln County is prepared to quickly distribute emergency pharmaceuticals to a large number of people.
As with any emergency incident, residents should always tune in to local media for information and instructions. In the event that we should need to activate the Point of Dispensing Clinic (POD), the media will inform you of when you need to go to the site and what to bring.
For those with no transportation, your local fire chief will be your point of contact. Complete instruction would be announced on where to meet for transportation to the dispensing site.
The public should become familiar with "The Local Point of Dispensing (POD)" symbol, look for this symbol it will point the way to your Point of Dispensing Clinic.
The Lincoln County Health Department Staff is proud to be a part of Emergency Preparedness Planning in Lincoln County. The Lincoln County Health Department also partners with the North Central Kansas Regional Public Health Initiative in preparedness planning which includes; Smith, Osborne, Russell, Mitchell, Jewell, Ellsworth, Cloud, Clay, Dickinson, Washington, Republic and Ottawa counties.
For questions or information about Public Health, please contact the Health Department.
A public health emergency can be described as “an intentional or accidental occurrence of an illness or health condition that affects the health of a community and its people.” It could be caused by a natural disaster, a new infectious disease, an accidental chemical spill or by a terrorist attack. The Lincoln County Health Department is preparing for a response if a public health emergency occurs in Lincoln County. We are partnering with emergency management, law enforcement, health care facilities, government officials and other North Central Kansas county health departments in our emergency planning. This information is provided to you as part of our effort to promote physical and mental health and provide information to the public to control the spread of disease in a public health emergency.
Personal Preparedness - IMPORTANT Information
In case of a Public Health Emergency, have the following information with you before going to your Local Point of Dispensing (POD)
Names of all household members
Your address and contact phone number
Social Security card & Identification
Weights of all persons under 90 pounds
Know of other conditions including: Liver, Epilepsy, Kidney, Pregnant, Breastfeeding
If you usually pick-up medications for a person outside of your household, have the above information available. Keep the information with you.
Volunteers Wanted
Volunteers are “those who, of their own free will, undertake unpaid work outside of their immediate household, to benefit the common good”. Volunteers make a huge contribution to Lincoln County in almost every sphere of activity; from sports, recreation, arts, culture, and heritage to emergency and social services, health, education, conservation and the environment. Those of us already involved in Emergency Preparedness activities would like to thank all Lincoln County Volunteers for their contributions of time, expertise, and labor. We would also like to take this opportunity to invite new volunteers to join us. If you would like to volunteer to be part of an emergency response please fill out the form and mail it to: Lincoln County Health Department, PO Box 187, Lincoln Kansas 67455. A data base is being made so we can notify volunteers of training opportunities. All types of volunteers will be needed. Thank you again for your contribution to Lincoln County.
What You Can do to Prepare for Any Emergency:
- Create an emergency communications plan. Choose someone out-of –town for your family to call or contact to check on each other should a disaster occur.
- Establish a meeting place away from your home.
- Assemble a disaster supplies kit. Prepare in an easy to carry container such as a duffel bag or small plastic trash can. Include special needs items for any household member such as infant formula and prescription medications. It would also be a good idea to have a change of clothing for each person, a blanket for each, a battery powered radio with extra batteries, food, bottled water and tools. Also keep some cash and copies of important family documents in your kit.
- Check on the school emergency plan of any school-age children you may have. Make sure they have up to date information on how to reach you.
If Disaster Strikes:
- Remain calm and be patient.
- Follow the advice of local emergency officials.
- Listen to your radio for news and instructions.
- Check for Injuries. Give first aid and get help for seriously injured persons.
- If the disaster occurs near your home, check for damage using a flashlight. Do not light matches or candles or turn on electrical switches. Check for fires. Sniff for gas leaks. If you smell gas or suspect a leak, turn off the main gas valve, open windows, and get everyone outside quickly.
- Shut off any other damaged utilities.
- Confine or secure your pets.
- Call your family contact. Do not use the phone again unless it is a life-threatening emergency.
- Check on you neighbors, especially those living alone or elderly.
If You Must Evacuate:
- Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants and sturdy shoes.
- Take your disaster supplies kit.
- Take your pets with you.
- Lock your home.
- Use travel routes specified by local authorities.
- Stay away from downed power lines.
What If You are Asked to Shelter-In-Place:
This means you will remain inside your home or office and protect yourself there.
- Close and lock all windows and exterior doors.
- Turn off all fans, heating and air conditioning systems.
- Close the fireplace damper.
- Get your disaster supplies kit and make sure the radio is working.
- Go to an interior room without windows.
- Using duct tape, seal all the cracks around the door and any vents into the room.
- Wait for officials to inform you of what to do next.
For more information contact,, for a copy of “Your Family Disaster Supplies Kit” and “Emergency Preparedness Checklist” contact the Lincoln County Health Department.