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Meetings are held quarterly at the Lincoln County Emergency Services Building

102 N 6th St., Lincoln KS 67455

Contact: Elizabeth Sheldon (785) 524-4406



Appointed Members

Robert Keach- Lincoln County PIO (Chair)

Brandon Cochran- Lincoln County EMS Director

Elizabeth Sheldon- Lincoln County Health Director (Secretary)

Shawn Esterl- Lincoln County Environmentalist

Kelly Gourley- Lincoln County Economic Development Foundation Director

Dustin Florence- Lincoln County Sheriff

Dennis Ray- Lincoln County Commissioner 

Kati Hembry- Lincoln County Hospital

Jesse Knight- Lincoln County Emergency Manager, NC Regional Homeland Security Council (Vice Chair)

Dale Hlad- Lincoln County Highway Department Director

Jarrod Heinze- Lincoln City and Lincoln 1st RFD Fire Chief

Craig Walker- Lincoln County Community Representative


The LEPC is responsible for developing and maintaining a local emergency response plan that will ensure a quick and effective response to a chemical emergency. These plans provide information to facilitate an effective and efficient course of action if a chemical release were to occur. Issues such as which facilities use chemicals, where the chemicals are stored, and what routes are the quickest for first-responders and evacuation all addressed by the emergency operations plan.

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)

LEPC Handbook

Lincoln County Emergency Operations Plan (LCEOP)




**Public Notice** 

Accessibility of the SARA Title III Hazardous Substance Information: Section 324 of the Emergency Planning and Community right to know act, also known as SARA Title III (superfund amendments and reauthorization act of 1986, PL99-499) requires that public notice annually informing the public of the means to access information, about extremely hazardous substances that are, manufactured, stored and used within their community. Follow-up emergency notices may subsequently be issued.

Accordingly, information concerning LEPC meetings, SARA Title III hazardous materials planning which is included in our Lincoln County Emergency Operations Response Plans, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Hazardous Chemical inventory forms, listing extremely hazardous substances manufactured, stored, or used within Lincoln County can be obtained during normal business hours by contacting:

Lincoln County Emergency Management

216 E Lincoln Ave., Lincoln, KS 67455

Office: (785) 524-5005

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 EPA EPCRA Posting