Waste Screening

Only acceptable C&D waste may be placed in the CD Pit. Each load will be visually screened at the scale house to determine if it is acceptable for disposal in the CD Pit. Waste that does not qualify as C&D waste (see checklists) must not be placed in the CD Pit, but may potentially be disposed of in another permitted location at the Lincoln County Transfer Station.

If unacceptable waste is observed and cannot be disposed in another permitted location of the Lincoln County Transfer Station (i.e. it is hazardous) the driver will be supplied with the following contact information to determine an alternative disposal location:

KDHE - Bureau of Waste Management:    (785) 296-1600

The driver will not be allowed to dump unauthorized waste at the Lincoln County Trander Station unless authorized by the KDHE - Bureau of Waste Management.

It is the driver's responsibility to ensure that waste is disposed of in a proper location at the Lincoln County Transfer Station.


C&D waste disposal fee is $60 per ton. Please contact the transfer station because you may qualify for a reduced rate.