Register to Vote
Voter Registration Deadlines
February 20 for the March 19 Presidential Preference Primary
July 16 for the August 6 Primary Election
October 15 for the November 5 General Election
Registering or Re-Registering to Vote Online
If you have a valid Kansas driver's license or nondriver's identification card, you may register to vote online using the Kansas Online Voter Registration website. The online registration option uses your driver's license signature to do so.
In addition, you may use the following website to register on a form which will be emailed directly to our staff:
Registering or Re-Registering to Vote In-Person
You must reregister each time you change your name, address, or party affiliation for voting, otherwise the Election Office will have outdated information. There are three ways to submit your application:
- Print out either the Kansas Voter Registration Application (PDF format) or the Federal Voter Registration Application (PDF format), complete, sign, and mail or hand deliver the application to the Lincoln County Election Officer, 216 E Lincoln Ave, Lincoln, KS 67455.
- Fax the completed and signed application to 785-524-5008.
- Scan the completed and signed application, and email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Party Affiliation
To change your party affiliation, you must complete a form at the County Clerk's Office, or by completing a new voter registration form. The deadline to change your party affiliation is June 1 and is closed until September 1st after the State Board of Canvassers meets.
Cancel Registration
You may cancel your voter registration at any time by filling out the Voter Registration Cancellation form.
2024 Election Publications
August 6, 2024 Primary Election
Presidential Preference Primary Notice of Election
Attention Kansas Voters:
A presidential preference primary election will be conducted in Kansas this year. The date of the election, along with the names of the candidates for the office of President will be available on the Secretary of State’s website at or visit your local county election office for more information.
Leann Bishop - 2013
Joyce Walker - 1992-2013
Donna L. West - 1988-1992
Doris White – 1974-1988
Jeanette Shaffstall - 1968-1974
Alyce Bender - 1966-1968
E.L. Shaffstall - 1958-1962
Ray Webster - 1954-1958
Hobart G. Leach - 1950-1954
Erma Palmquist - 1946-1950
Ray Webster - 1942-1946
Virginia Lyster - 1938-1942
Ray Webster - 1934-1938
Ivan D. Lyon - 1932-1934
Robert A. Hilgendorf - 1928-1932
George E. Moss - 1924-1928
H.P. Hooper - 1920-1924
L.J. Dunton - 1916-1920
Boyd F. Gilkison - 1912-1916
F.J. Aufdemberge - 1908-1912
L.J. Dunton - 1904-1908
W.B. McBride - 1900-1904
William McCanles - 1898-1900